R.E.D| L.E.A.V.E.S| A.N.D| F.A.D.E.D| R.O.S.E.S

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

ωʀıтıɴɢ ıs ᴀɴ ᴀʀтғσʀм...

Casting aside personal opinion, and looking at this towards a more professional opinion, quite a few online seem to like ridiculing others writing, I have seen this in quite a considerable amount of chat rooms and forums, or approach it stating "before I take you seriously", come on? Seriously.... it is a role-play forum/chat applet... who cares on what writing is seen as fantastic or bad, it is more the fact people are willing to try, and adapt to a better style—that suits them to the means, vocabulary and creativity they are used to and what is available to them. People do not come online to be schooled on brevity, length, phrasing and technique (unless they 'ask' to be), people come here to write and share their stories, but, most importantly to interact with others.

Writing is like an art, it is totally identifiable and unique to the one who writes, some will like it, and some won’t. It will inspire or turn stomachs; that is the way in which life flows and we are all entitled to likes and dislikes so long as it is done constructively and not negatively in the light of a 'community'. It is the immature comments that take it to a whole different level, especially when done to ridicule a person publicly using a forum\chat applet to do it, and subject others to their rather vile opinions or incite others to join in simply by making a spectacle of it. For whatever purpose, I find such things as immature and somewhat, unhelpful and off-putting.

My style of writing as told can be complex, stifling and contains too 'purple prose' for some tastes. I see my flaws, I just lacked the knowing of how to change it and cut off the roses at the stems (excuse the purple prose). However, what is purple prose to some is description to others, but yes, should be done in moderation (which I also went over excess) —but I am yet to ever lack role-play because of it, I ran one of the largest clans in Yahoo Chat Rp for 6 yrs, and generally those I do role-play with enjoy it at least to a small degree. That is what matters to me. Now, having applied some 'advice' given, I have changed some of this and lessened the 'the winding-vomiting of a thesaurus' to quite a considerable degree. The advice given was correct... the overkill of words and prose wasn't required or needed, so it went out the door and that was my choice because I knew it was an issue. 

Changing is not a problem, I welcome change. I am open to 'constructive' criticism, I am just not open to diatribe or people simply talking mess. If my writing makes people cringe, I do not shove their head into the screen and say "here read this or no ice-cream for you", tch. If you do not like it, don't read it-- no need to leave/neglect a thread because of it. If someone's writing bothers you, private message them and simply ask "Hey, could you tone down the vocab a bit, you're giving me a headache" or "could you post shorter please" you'll get a better response than saying "Wow, your writing sucks!! I am going to pack up my Lego and go home now".

I prefer to remain for the most part in-character, and this works well for me, to keep myself separated-- especially around people famous for acting like fucko's. I see a lot of inspiration offered amongst those I write with, their creativity and imaginations offered on silver platters, inviting people to join and have fun. And this too is what it is supposed to be about, not who you can screw to get some in-character status, and carve a title for yourself. And there is plenty of you out there who just don't give a flying rat's tutu on the back you break to get there, or shoulders like mine to elevate yourself in order to gain my respect? Look sweetie, I really don't give a fuck who you are, or where you claim to come from... I earned my stars and stripes.

People who I tend to write with generally feel very motivated and enthused to join in almost automatically. But some tend to sit on the bench like a wallflower and weep to the tune of 'Tiptoe through the Tulips'.  Responsibility solely rests at the tip of our fingers, whether we partake or now, and the way in which we present ourselves that either bring people to us, or steer them away from us.

I also find it important to state, because I know quite a few who think their writing isn't good enough, I say just simply write and bollocks to the rest, enjoy the textual interaction, be daring, take a risk! None of us write perfectly, none of us are flawless in our writing not even I as a published author =), but it is how we all learn from each other that defines it, our willingness to participate and try, to ask for opinion and receive an opinion without bitterness or snideness—but also show a little kindness and consideration to people, you may not like them, that is fine. Shut your trap and type. No reason to post an emo-eff-you-goodbye just because someone got your panties in a wad.

To the people who have left role-play, it makes me sad, that they abandon their role-play because of the fuckery of a few assclowns. It makes me sadder that they can simply throw their literacy works on the scrap pile and run away from any issue rather than tackle it head on or at least shrug and think "that is their opinion, it really is not my business knowing what their opinion is of me, but I define mine by the way I act towards it"... the way I see it is, those who matter don't mind, and those who mind, don't matter.

At the end of the day, I will thrive and I will continue to do so, why? Because those who work to make role-play blossom forever strive to keep it going, whether by their ideas, thought provoking conversation or in-character threads; a role-play only truly dies, when all role-play ceases to exist and no one has anything new to offer. I will suggest, and I have seen this lately, don't fuck someone else's role-play just to get your toe in the doorway.... in my world, it's a good way to get your ass thrown out the door and banned from the role-play. I just won't tolerate your meddling nor your bitchery. Take it elsewhere, may I suggest IMVU.