R.E.D| L.E.A.V.E.S| A.N.D| F.A.D.E.D| R.O.S.E.S

Thursday, 18 April 2013

тнᴇ sтᴀʀs ᴀωᴀıт υs [σσc]

This past year has been a definitive trial of sorrow, patience and character. I have survived it, not unscathed, and hold dear a mere few who have been my guide through Hell, as it is.  A future awaits, with fortune and wonder... I hope; I am stronger and perceive things around me far more clearly than ever. Indeed, if it weren't for my dear friends and my partner, this confidence and strength would never have been given life again. 
 The most beautiful, precious flower of all, is love. 
Colours shed a different smell; the aroma of hope, entwined with the after-taste of memories, endless.

A wonderful new year to you all. May it be what you make of it. ;) ♥
I would like to formally welcome the stalkers.  Peewee Herman fingers and creepy kisses  to you all, you make me feel so damn important I could simply gasp from the excitement and give myself a pat on the back for the self-esteem boost from such flattery (no, I think I shall pass). You make up 50% of the fan base I would rather throw in the trash, of course where you belong next to the kleenex tissues I used during your departures =)

How about you take what little pride and morale you should have left, fuck off and go sulk in the corner! If you're looking for sympathy from myself or Andrew aka Drew | Adrin Eitan, Koshiro Kiri, Lao'Taun--  you can find the word -sympathy' in the Dictionary between shit and syphilis.

Life is too short for cliches and you just don't exist anywhere near my wave length. 

To my love, life partner and Master, -- every step of our way, has been worth every ounce of tribulation and elation. You are everything to me and more. Through our honesty, commitment and communication with added respect, reverence and honour; no moment has ever been wasted, the tears are now as wine, and the moment our hearts entwined, it was a moment that bonded us together forever.